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Frequently Asked Questions

Listed below you will find answers to many of the frequently asked questions related to the Florida Xtreme Triathlon. The list of questions will continue to grow as we publish more information related to the event.

If your question is not answered below, please email and a team member from Sommer Sports will get back to you as quickly as possible, typically the same day.


Can I change my entry from an individual entry to a relay team entry?

Yes!  In order to complete the change you will need to pay the difference in entry fees.  This charge would be the current relay team price minus the amount you paid for your individual entry fee.

What is your refund-transfer policy?

REFUNDS & TRANSFERS: The official cutoff date for all refund and transfer requests is September 1, 2023. NO REFUNDS OR TRANSFERS WILL BE PROCESSED AFTER MIDNIGHT SEPTEMBER 1, 2023

A registered athlete may transfer his/her entry to another athlete that meets the qualifying standard associated with the event. There is a $100 transfer fee required to complete the transfer. 

Partial refunds are available if the request is made in writing by midnight September 1, 2023. Your race entry fee, less a 50% administrative fee, will be refunded within 30 days of your request.

Do I have to qualify in order to enter this race?

This event is designed for experienced triathletes only. All individual participants are encouraged to finish a full or half distance triathlon before attempting a race of this distance. Do not underestimate the difficulty associated with swimming, biking and running over 300 miles in three days. Race management reserves the right to accept or reject race entries for any reason.

Can I register for just a single stage?

Single stage registrations are available closer to the race if availability exists. Relay team competition is only available for the entire 3 day - 3 stage event.

Is this event sanctioned by USAT?

The Florida Xtreme Triathlon will be sanctioned by USAT. This means that all participants must be a current member of USAT while racing, or purchase a single event membership when registering.


Do I need to provide my own support crew?

No, although we encourage you to have at least one crew member. The swim will will be monitored by trained lifeguards and safety personnel. The event will provide and staff several staffed support stations along the bike and run courses, and participants can also receive support from their support team at designated support zones.

What are the daily cutoff times?

The official cutoff time to complete the swim segment each day is two hours after the official start.  The official bike cutoff time is 5:30 pm each day. The run course will officially close at 10:00 pm each night. Athletes not completing the prescribed daily course by the established cut-off times will not be designated as an official finisher for that stage.

Is my swim and T1 gear transported to the finish each day?

The Sommer Sports event team will transport your swim gear and warm-up bags to the finish venue each day unless the gear is handed off to your crew.  Labeled bags will be provided by the race.

How are the courses marked?

The swim course will be marked with large buoys.  The bike course will be marked with brightly colored route arrows on the pavement, along with signs at the intersection. The run course will be marked with signs.

Is there traffic control at the intersections on the bike?

The majority of the intersections along the course will not be monitored and cyclists will be required to obey all existing traffic laws. Addition course information will be published approximately 60 days prior to the race.


How is the race scored?

Overall results are based on the cumulative time from the race start on day #1, to the run finish on day #3. Splits and overall time will be provided for each individual day's event.

What meals are associated with the event?

Each individual and relay team participant in the 3-day event will receive the following meals:
1) Thursday night Pre-Race Pasta Dinner 
2) Continental Breakfast the morning of each race
3) On course and post-race food TBD
4) Sunday Awards Brunch (Crew meal additional cost)

Each full 3-day individual participant and relay team will also receive meals tickets for one crew support person. Additional crew/family at additional cost. 

Single stage participants will receive the following meals:

1) Thursday night Pre-Race Pasta Dinner if racing Stage 1
2) Continental Breakfast the morning of the race
3) On course and post-race food TBD.

Is overnight bike/gear storage provided between the daily events?

Yes, athletes are encouraged to leave their bikes in the secure transition area after completing days 1 & 2 of the event.  Overnight security will be provided.


I want to register a team, but I have not confirmed my team members?

No problem!  Just register your team now and as soon as you know who your other team members will be, add them to your team.  Please note that after September 1, 2017, there is a $25 change fee associated with all team member changes..

Can I change team members before the race?

Yes, you can add or change relay team members at anytime up to November 1, 2019 with no fee.  After November 1 there will be a $25 change fee for each relay team member change.  Once the race starts, team members cannot be exchanged. Please note that USAT fees are non-transferable or refundable.

Can a team switch team members during the race?

No, the same team members must compete each day, although they do not need to complete the same segment each day.

Do relay team members have to complete the same segment each day?

No, relay team members can complete different segments each day as long as the same team members compete each day.

Can more than one team member complete the individual swim/bike/run segments each day?

Yes! New for 2019 is that we will allow teams to swap team members for each segment of the event at designate exchange points. The swim and bike will each have one exchange point, and the run 30K runs will have three exchange points. The final 13.1 mile run on Sunday will have one exchange point. All team members must race at least one segment each day.


Stay connected and share your FXT experiences on our various social media channels.



  • New Website Launches July 12!


The Florida Xtreme Triathlon is produced by Sommer Sports of Clermont, FL.


1271 Commons Court, Clermont FL 34711
352 394 1320
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